22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong

22 Ships

$$$ Gluten-free dishes Spanish Vegetarian friendly
Hong Kong -


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22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong
22 Ships restaurant Hong Kong

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22 Ships is a popular restaurant located in the heart of Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

It was opened by British chef Jason Atherton in 2012 and quickly gained a reputation for its delicious food and lively atmosphere.

The restaurant’s menu features a variety of small plates inspired by Spanish cuisine, including traditional tapas and modern interpretations.

Diners can choose from a selection of cured meats and cheeses, seafood dishes, grilled meats, and vegetarian options.

The restaurant also has an extensive wine list, with bottles from Spain and around the world.

The interior of 22 Ships is designed to evoke the bustling streets of Spain, with a tiled floor, wooden tables, and an open kitchen.

The restaurant is always buzzing with energy, and diners can watch the chefs at work as they prepare the dishes.

One of the signature dishes at 22 Ships is the Iberico pork and foie gras burger, which is made with a juicy pork patty, rich foie gras, and a tangy tomato relish.

Another popular dish is the crispy suckling pig with apple sauce and sage, which is cooked to perfection and served with a side of roasted potatoes.

For dessert, diners can indulge in a range of sweet treats, including churros with chocolate sauce and crema catalana.

Overall, 22 Ships is a must-visit restaurant in Hong Kong for anyone who loves good food, great wine, and a lively atmosphere.

Be sure to make a reservation in advance, as the restaurant tends to get very busy, especially on weekends.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply looking for a memorable meal, 22 Ships is the perfect place to indulge your taste buds and enjoy the vibrant culinary scene of Hong Kong.

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22 Ships
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