Acropolis Secret restaurant Athens

Acropolis Secret

$$$$ European Greek Mediterranean
Athens -


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Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens
Acropolis restaurant athens

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Acropolis restaurant is a must-visit in Athens, Greece, serving traditional Greek dishes with a modern twist.

Located near the Acropolis, the restaurant boasts stunning views of the iconic landmark, making it the perfect spot for a romantic dinner.

The menu offers a range of dishes made from fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, including seafood, meat, and vegetarian options.

Start your meal with classic meze, such as tzatziki and dolmades, before moving onto the main course.

Indulge in the restaurant’s signature dish, lamb shank slow-cooked in red wine, or opt for the grilled octopus with fava bean puree.

Don’t forget to pair your meal with a glass of Greek wine or a refreshing cocktail from the extensive drink menu.

The Acropolis restaurant Athens elegant and cozy interior, with its warm lighting and rustic decor, creates a welcoming atmosphere for diners.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic date night or a family dinner, Acropolis restaurant is the perfect choice.

The restaurant also offers private dining options for special occasions and events, accommodating up to 50 guests.

In addition to its delicious food and beautiful ambiance, the restaurant’s friendly and attentive staff ensures a memorable dining experience.

End your meal with a sweet treat, such as the traditional Greek dessert, baklava, or the restaurant’s homemade ice cream.

Overall, Acropolis restaurant is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience authentic Greek cuisine in a stunning setting.

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Acropolis Secret
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