Al Sufra restaurant Doha

Al Sufra

Lebanese $$$$ Mediterranean Middle East
Doha -


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Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha
Al Sufra restaurant Doha

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Located in Doha’s lavish Marsa Malaz Kempinski, Al Sufra boasts an unparalleled dining experience.

Offering authentic Lebanese and Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, the restaurant creates a cozy atmosphere.

Surrounded by a tasteful interior, guests find themselves immersed in traditional elegance.

Moreover, the terrace provides stunning views of the hotel’s private beach and crystal-clear waters.

In addition, the extensive menu promises a variety of dishes to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

Begin with a selection of hot and cold mezzes, such as hummus, baba ganoush, and kibbeh.

Furthermore, delight in succulent kebabs, shawarma, and lamb chops for the main course.

Not to mention, the fresh seafood options, including grilled hammour and sumptuous lobster.

Vegetarians are not left behind, as there are several satisfying dishes on offer.

For dessert, indulge in a heavenly assortment of traditional sweets, like baklava and knafeh.

Paired with a warm cup of Arabic coffee, these sweet treats perfectly conclude the meal.

To complement the exquisite food, Al Sufra’s staff delivers exceptional service.

Trained to cater to your every need, they ensure your visit is nothing short of perfect.

The restaurant’s wine list also deserves recognition, featuring carefully selected labels from around the world.

Even more, Al Sufra hosts live entertainment, such as an enchanting oud player on select evenings.

This melodic addition enhances the ambiance and completes the unforgettable dining experience.

Reservations are highly recommended, especially on weekends and holidays.

Dress code is smart casual, reflecting the refined yet welcoming atmosphere of the restaurant.

In conclusion, Al Sufra is a must-visit for those seeking to immerse themselves in the rich flavors of Lebanese and Eastern Mediterranean cuisine.

From the exquisite food to the impeccable service, every aspect of your visit will leave you eager to return.

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Al Sufra
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