Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella

Trocadero Arena

$$$$ European Mediterranean Spanish
Marbella -


Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella
Trocadero Arena restaurant Marbella

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Trocadero Arena is a beachfront restaurant in Marbella, Spain.

It offers stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea and Gibraltar.

The restaurant has a laid-back, bohemian vibe with a touch of elegance.

Trocadero Arena is open all year round, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The menu features a variety of Mediterranean and international dishes.

Seafood is a particular specialty, with fresh catches delivered daily.

The restaurant also has a well-stocked bar, offering a wide selection of wines, spirits, and cocktails.

Guests can dine on the terrace, which has a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

The restaurant’s interior is stylish and comfortable, with plenty of natural light.

Trocadero Arena is a popular venue for weddings and other special events.

The restaurant can accommodate up to 500 guests and offers a range of menus and packages.

The staff are friendly and professional, providing excellent service.

The restaurant is wheelchair accessible and has parking available.

Trocadero Arena is located on Playa de Río Real, just a few minutes’ drive from Marbella town center.

It’s easily accessible by car or public transport.

The restaurant is surrounded by beautiful gardens and palm trees, creating a peaceful and tranquil setting.

Trocadero Arena is a great place to relax and enjoy delicious food and drinks by the sea.

The restaurant also hosts regular live music events, adding to its lively and fun atmosphere.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic dinner or a family-friendly lunch, Trocadero Arena has something for everyone.

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